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Home Our Services Web Development E-commerce

Friday10 May 2013


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Rangpursoft is providing great E-commerce solutions and services to a growing variety of markets. We stay abreast of the latest in technological developments as they relate to the many industries that we serve.

E-commerce has now become more than just a distribution channel. It is regarded as one of the most important business mediums through which all the business transactions happen. Rangpursoft International adds differentiation to your business by providing E-commerce and E-business solutions. Our e-business approach mainly focuses on building customized and integrated e-commerce solutions for our clients across the globe. For our e-commerce business solutions we follow process driven, multi phase methodology, which also includes data modeling, requirement analysis and definition, quality assurance and application testing.

E-Commerce web solutions we provide have all the necessary components, which are required to meet client's requirements.


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We keep the best profile in based on industry expectations. Our business is built almost entirely on referrals from existing clients.
We can guarantee to improve your business or organization profit and efficiency because we have strategic thinking, top designers, extraordinary programmers, personal attention, competitive prices and security. We have some promises that will help you to achieve your goal.